Saturday, January 25, 2020

Trust And Confidence In The Police Service Criminology Essay

Trust And Confidence In The Police Service Criminology Essay This essay seeks to critically assess the extent to which police stop and search powers may impact on trust and confidence in the police service with particular reference to the notion of over policing, this essay will look to consider the remit of police powers in particular. On this basis, this essay looks to provide for a discussion of the problems that have been recognised in this regard and as to how they may be better resolved through the policies that the government have looked to develop. In addition, this essay seeks to focus upon the recognition of stop and search powers. In seeking to critically assess the extent to which police stop and search powers may impact on trust and confidence in the police service with particular reference to the notion of over policing, this essay will look to consider the remit of police powers in particular. With this in mind, it is first necessary to look to present the rights of the police to stop and search and the rights of those that the police choose to stop and search. On this basis, it is then important to seek to consider the problems that a lack of effective regulation has brought about for example, with regards to discrimination. Therefore, it is also necessary to provide an understanding of what efforts have been made to assist in restoring confidence in the police service in more recent times by looking to establish sanctions for their misdemeanours to look to limit over policing by providing the public with a more effective system of redress. Finally, this essay will look to conclude with a summary of the key points derived from this discussion with a view to critically assessing the extent to which police stop and search powers may impact on trust and confidence in the police service with particular reference to the notion of over policing. To begin with it is to be appreciated police stop and search powers centre on permitting police officers in England and Wales to search members of the general public within our society for contraband (i.e. drugs, weapons, stole property, evidence relating to acts of terrorism or that relates to any other crime). However, the exercise of such rights by the police in carrying out their activities were not without their problems so that the Police Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984 was enacted with a view to rectifying problems that had been recognised with regards to the powers previously granted to the police that allowed the police to stop, search, and subsequently arrest someone suspected of a crime without the need for a warrant (although it is also to be appreciated that stop search is also permitted under the Criminal Justice Public Order Act (CJPOA) 1994 at section 60, the Terrorism Act (TA) 2000 at section 44 and the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 at section 23(2)). Therefore, the u se of the law in practice led to accusations of over policing and an unfair application of its enforcement against the black community leading to many infamous riots around the country with majority black populations like that of Brixton during the early part of the 1980s leading to the drafting and ultimate implementation of the PACE 1984. To this end Code A of the PACE 1984 provides for the exercising of police stop and search powers and, allied to the use of reasonable force (Police Reform Act 2002 at Schedule 4, paragraph 15), the Code recognises that if a police officer uses stop and search powers then they must inform the person that they have stopped for searching of (a) the law that is the basis of them stopping and searching that individual; (b) their police number and station; (c) what they are looking for; (d) the reason for the stop (unless it is a terrorist stop under section 44 of the TA 2000 and under the powers granted by section 60 of the CJPOA 1994); (e) the individuals right to be given a record of the search; and (f) the fact that the individual is considered to be detained for the duration of the stop. The rights of those being searched are, therefore, established as part of sections 2 and 3 of the PACE 1984 and are binding on all forms of stop and search not only those authorised under section 1 o f the PACE 1984. To this effect it is not necessary for an individual in a stop and search to give a police officer their name and address in a stop and search. Declining to provide this information is not a valid reason for arrest. In addition, police officers must use their stop and search powers fairly and responsibly without discrimination and if English is not a subjects first language reasonable steps must be taken to provide information in their first language. Moreover, police officers also need to make sure search time is kept to a minimum and takes place near where the stopping occurs except where it protects their privacy. However, despite the problems that have arisen in this regard, the limits of New Labours penal imagination were first made clear in the development of their policy of zero tolerance policing that refers to an American invention regarding the intensive community policing strategies introduced there in the mid-1990s. The recognition of this strategy is founded upon the development of a principle for clamping down on the occurrence of street offences and incivilities in the belief that more serious offences will then be later curtailed (Carrabine, Lee South, 2000). As a result, in Britain it has been recognised that this has also all too commonly translated into intensive policing and operations (a) against under-age smoking and drinking; (b) dealing with acts of obstruction by street traders; (c) against public urination; (d) to prevent graffiti writing, and (e) for the arrest or moving on of aggressive beggars, prostitutes, pickpockets, fare dodgers, abusive drunks and litter louts amongst others (Carrabine, Lee South, 2000). Moreover, this strategy for the development of police policy has been recognised as being founded upon the non-conservative proposition that if climates of disorder are allowed to develop, more serious crime will then serve to follow in the circumstances (Wilson Kelling, 1982). In addition both the government and the opposition along with the most prominent senior police officers have argued this kind of approach is a success in view of the fact that it serves to reduce the rates of robbery and murder domestically. However, that is not to say that the approach to policing has not been subject to some significant criticism. This is because some significant questions have arisen with regards to the precise reasons for declining crime rates and the efficacy of a zero tolerance strategy (Carrabine, Lee South, 2000). Such a view is founded on the fact that some senior police officers have come to argue that a zero-tolerance approach to tackling low-level disorder and incivilities is narrow, aggressive, and uncompromising and, . . . , targets people rather than addresses the underlying problems (NACRO, 1997, at p.18). At the same time, however, it is to be appreciated that a zero tolerance approach to policing does nothing to address issues that are related to the racialisation of law and order that has all too often produced high rates of stop-and-search and arrests, prosecutions, and the use of custody for Afro-Caribbean youth. To emphasise the problems this has caused, at the turn of the last decade it was found black people are six times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than white people (Home Office, 1999). As a result, it has been argued the increasing use of stop-and-search by the police, whilst the proportion of stops actually leading to arrests for crimes has declined, has indicated the importance of the role of police surveillance of both the excluded and the threatening figures suggest that stop and search is anything but a useful method of apprehending criminal offenders (Lea, 2000). However, that is not to say that it may not have other purposes in practice because of the fact that This function . . . is again becoming prominent with the growth of social exclusion and a substantial underclass of people with high rates of poverty, homelessness, school expulsions, etc (Lea, 2000). Therefore, such an over policing has had serious implications, especially against a background of o ngoing revelations about police misconduct and abuses of power so the credibility of the police has been seriously undermined by many revelations of miscarriages of justice, as well as cases involving other forms of police misconduct and corruption that need to be remedied (Carrabine, Lee South, 2000). By way of illustration, in 1998 the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police acknowledged there may be up to 250 corrupt officers serving in his force and this figure is unlikely to have changed all that much despite the best efforts of government policy makers (see, for example, the more recent case of two Nottinghamshire police officers convicted after pleading guilty to charges of corruption BBC News, 2006) that would seem to suggest an unknown number of criminal investigations may be seriously compromised (Carrabine, Lee South, 2000). As a result, in an effort to combat the problem, a special squad of anti-corruption investigators (including accountants and private surveillance experts) were commissioned with a view to targeting officers believed to be implicated in offences including (i) the planning and carrying out of armed robberies; (ii) large-scale drug dealing; (iii) threats of violence against the public; and (iv) contract killings. However, despite such efforts, gove rnment policy makers failure to provide effective legal mechanisms for dealing with allegations of police abuse, coupled with the large number of successful claims against the police for civil damages or substantial out-of-court settlements have attracted the attention of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (ECPT, 2000). This is because the ECPT Report was extremely critical of the existing system of dealing with police misconduct that has often resulted in police officers not being brought to justice even when victims have been awarded damages. In addition, even in those cases where there is prima facie evidence of the nature and gravity of police abuses, it is rare for criminal and/or disciplinary proceedings to be brought and even rarer for police officers to be convicted of a criminal offence as a result (Carrabine, Lee South, 2000). Moreover, in an effort to actively deal with the problems that have arisen in this area, the PRA 2002 established the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) that introduced a fully independent system for the investigation of serious complaints (Savage, 2007). This is largely because, previously, dealing with complaints against the police had been dominated by the periodic and incremental enhancement of the independent or external element in relation to oversight (Smith, 2004). Therefore, the IPCCs establishment as a mean of redress for the public could be considered to be a logical extension of a process that has been under way for some considerable time (Smith, 2004) and could be considered the next logical stage in the process of enhancing accountability. Thee IPCCs creation arose from out of the Macpherson Report into the failings of the police regarding the murder of Stephen Lawrence that recommended the establishment of an independent body for the investigation of serio us complaints against the police particularly amongst ethnic minorities (Macpherson, 1999). In addition, the PRA 2002 also established within the Home Office the Police Standards Unit (PSU) as a further form of regulation of police activities that was to later to fall within the scope of the National Police Improvement Agency (Hale, Uglow Heaton, 2005). With this in mind, the PSU sought to regulate the performance of individual police forces and operational command units (Home Office, 2005). Therefore, the PSU has the authority to intervene in the management of poor performing or failing police units and identify best practice in strategic and operational policing and disseminate such best practice across forces (Savage, 2007. Referred to somewhat revealingly as Knowledge Management, this role of identifying and spreading best practice as a form of doctrinal dissemination contains an assumption the centre knows best when it comes to models and approaches to policing (Home Office, 2005, at p.9). To conclude, it is clear that police stop and search powers have impacted significantly upon trust and confidence in the police service in view of the notion of over policing. This is because the problems with police stop and search powers are illustrative of the fact that the police have often over used their powers in looking to regulate the activities of those living within domestic society. Amongst other problems such activities have led to instances of discrimination and accusations of corruption against the police to the detriment of public confidence and trust. Therefore, with a view to resolving such problems the government has looked to adopt significant practical policy changes with a view to then providing redress for the public against apparent acts of over policing. As has already been discussed as part of this essay, the government has sought to deal with the problems in this regard by developing independent bodies with a view to regulating the activities of the police and holding them accountable for their actions.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Sandwich Blitz, Inc Bio

Sandwich Blitz, Inc. Sandwich Blitz, Inc. is a small growing specialty sandwich shop chain in a large metropolitan area. The business is owned by Dalman Smith, who is the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Lei Lee who is the Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The company currently operates eight free-standing sandwich and beverage shops located near three universities, one hospital, and four high-traffic office complexes in the metropolitan area. The firm serves mostly upscale breakfast and lunch customers and specializes in organically grown food ingredients and health-conscious beverages.Currently, the firm employs a staff accountant, eight unit managers and forty employees. The corporate headquarters occupies rented space in an office park which houses Dalman, Lei, and the corporate accountant, Jayin Chopra. Each operating sandwich shop is staffed with a manager, a team supervisor, and four customer associates. Revenues from 2011 operations were substan tial with a ROI (Return on Investment) of 30%. Beginnings Sandwich Blitz was the idea of Dalman Smith whose previous experience was in middle management for a wholesale food distribution company headquartered in a large European city.An ardent devotee of healthy food, Dalman received the inspiration for Sandwich Blitz while visiting the Mediterranean area on corporate business. Dalman noted the presence of healthy sandwich shops in that area of Europe and was surprised on his return home that no such models were in operation in his local area. After considering the idea for several weeks, Dalman approached his long-time friend Lei Lee, a CPA working within the insurance industry with his idea. Lei considered the idea a good one but was concerned with the overhead expenses involved in leasing and developing retail commercial space in the expensive urban area.One day, while driving to work, Dalman noticed a small, free-standing prefabricated building located on a piece of land adjacen t to a shopping center. Suddenly, he envisioned the Sandwich Blitz model- small space, great location, negotiated low costs on small parcels of land unsuitable for most commercial purposes and most of all, great healthy food! Dalman couldn’t wait to show Lei this model. Within three weeks, Sandwich Blitz, Inc. was born. The sufficient start-up capital was evenly split between Dalman and Lei. Dalman was able to btain a loan using his house for collateral and his personal credit line for most of his share. A gift from Dalman’s father completed his share of the funding. Lei was able to use her substantial personal savings to finance her share of the capital. The first lease of land was signed and a prefabricated unit was ordered on July 21, 2004. Both Dalman and Lei considered this date to be a good omen for the both of them Sandwich Blitz opened its doors for business on October 15, 2004. Dalman, Lei, and two college students were the first employees.Each signed the firs t currency note received during that first day of operation. It is still proudly displayed in the corporate office. Operations The Sandwich Blitz operational model reflects both Dalman and Lei’s management philosophy that allows each operating unit a great measure of autonomy. This allows each location manager to make the day-to-day decisions dealing with their unit budgets, employee matters, and customer service issues. Each location manager is carefully chosen and given a compensation package which includes incentives based on the performance of that location.Each location manager is presented with quarterly budgets and is accountable for meeting these guidelines. Each work team supervisor is responsible for ensuring good customer service by making sure that all customer associates adhere to the Sandwich Blitz Motto which is proudly displayed over each location’s counter: â€Å"Sandwich Blitz – Where our quality, freshness, and customers always come first. â €  Based on this motto, each customer associate is empowered to resolve any customer-related complaint.This allows the customer associate to refund purchases, replace food, and take other measures to satisfy the Sandwich Blitz customer. The original location also serves as a training center for the company and Dalman is a regular fixture at these training sessions. Food recipes and preparation techniques are of particular concern to Dalman since he feels that a consistent product is critical to the company’s competitiveness. Dalman considers a few ingredients in their products to be important enough to justify making them into private brands that are owned by Sandwich Blitz to protect them from potential competitors.Lately, Dalman has mostly been visiting the operating locations and dealing with problems and issues that each manager requests help with while Lei has concentrated on financial matters like budget preparation, leases, taxes, and overseeing the daily accounting process. Both Dalman and Lei are pleased with Sandwich Blitz’s past performance but feel that they are each unable to devote their time and energy to expand the business significantly. All of their time seems to be expended taking care of these problems and issues within the existing operation.AB140 Unit 3 Case Study: Sandwich Blitz, Inc. Narrator: Sandwich Blitz, Inc. is a small growing specialty sandwich shop chain. The business is owned by Dalman Smith, who serves as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Lei Smallwood who serves as Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Sandwich Blitz currently operates eight free-standing sandwich and refreshment shops located near three universities, one hospital, and four high-traffic office complexes in the area.The firm caters to an upscale breakfast and lunch crowd and specializes in organically grown food ingredients and health-conscious beverages. Sandwich Blitz employs a staff accountant, eight location manag ers and forty employees. Each operating sandwich shop is staffed with a manager, a team supervisor, and four customer associates. Revenues from 2011 operations were substantial with 2011 Return on Investment of 30%. The corporate headquarters occupies rented space in an office park which houses Dalman, Lei and the corporate accountant, Jayin Chopra. Operational MeetingLei (speaking to Dalman and Jayin): Hi Dalman. Hi Jayin. Thanks for joining me today. We have some exciting things to discuss. The Sandwich Blitz operational model reflects both Dalman and my management philosophy allowing each operating unit a great measure of autonomy. This translates to allowing each location manager to make the day-to-day decisions dealing with their unit budgets, employee matters, and customer service issues. Each location manager is carefully chosen and given a compensation package which includes incentives based on location performance.These are based on location sales projections. Each location manager is presented with quarterly budgets and is accountable for meeting these guidelines. Dalman: Each team supervisor is responsible for ensuring good customer service by making sure that all customer associates adhere to the Sandwich Blitz Motto which is proudly displayed over each location’s counter: â€Å"Sandwich Blitz – Where our quality, freshness, and customers always come first. † Lei: Each customer associate is empowered to resolve any customer-related complaint.This allows the customer associate to refund purchases, replace food, and take other measures to satisfy the Sandwich Blitz customer. The original location also serves as a training unit for the company and Dalman is a regular fixture at these training sessions. Food recipes and preparation techniques are of particular concern to Dalman since he feels that consistency of product is critical to the company’s competitiveness. Dalman considers a few ingredients to be of sufficient impor tance to justify a private branding of these to protect these from potential competitors.Dalman: Lately, I have been visiting the operating locations and dealing with matters that each manager requests help with while Lei has concentrated on financial matters like budget preparation, leases, taxes, and overseeing the daily accounting process. We are both pleased with Sandwich Blitz’s past performance but feel that they are each unable to devote their time and energy to take the business to the next level. All of their time seems to be occupied with handling small problems within the existing operation.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Why Do Beans Give You Gas

You know digging into that bean burrito will give you gas, but do you know why it happens? The culprit is fiber. Beans are rich in dietary fiber, an insoluble carbohydrate. Although it is a carbohydrate, fiber is an oligosaccharide that your digestive tract doesnt break down and use for energy, as it would simple sugars or starch. In the case of beans, insoluble fiber takes the form of three oligosaccharides:  stachyose, raffinose,  and verbascose. So, how does this lead to gas? The oligosaccharides pass  untouched through your mouth, stomach, and small intestine, to your large intestine. Humans lack the enzyme needed to metabolize these sugars, but you host other organisms that can digest them just fine.  The large intestine is home to bacteria you need because they break down molecules your body cannot, releasing vitamins that are absorbed into your blood. The microbes also possess enzymes to break the oligosaccharide polymers into simpler carbohydrates. Bacteria release hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide gasses as waste products from the fermentation  process. About a third of the bacteria  can produce methane, another gas. The chemical composition of the gas determines its odor and also whether or not it burns with a blue flame. The more fiber you eat, the more gas is produced by the bacteria, until you feel an uncomfortable pressure. If the pressure against the anal sphincter becomes too great, the pressure is released as flatus or farts. Preventing Gas from Beans To some extent, you are at the mercy of your personal biochemistry where gas is concerned, but there are steps you can take to reduce gas from eating beans. First, it helps to soak the beans several hours before cooking them. Some fiber will be washed away when you rinse the beans, plus they will begin to ferment, releasing gas beforehand.  Be sure to cook them thoroughly, because raw and undercooked beans can give you food poisoning. If you are eating canned beans, you can discard the liquid and rinse the beans before using them in a recipe. The enzyme alpha-galactosidase can break down oligosaccharides before they reach the bacteria in the large intestine. Beano is one over-the-counter product that contains this enzyme, produced by the  Aspergillus niger  fungus. Eating the sea vegetable kombu also makes beans more digestible. Sources McGee, Harold (1984). On Food and Cooking. Scribner. pp. 257–8. ISBN 0-684-84328-5.Medical News Today. Flatulence: Causes, remedies, and complications.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Affects of the United States Economy - 1195 Words

â€Å"UNEMPLOYMENT† The United State economy has been affect in many ways. Unemployment is one of these ways in which the economy is affected. Manufacturing companies are taking their business else where therefore causing many to be lead off. The fall of the economy at the end of our former president George W. Bush as led many of our citizen to be unemployed. It is the second highest rate that this country has seen since the 1980s. Our highest unemployment rate was in 1982 with a percent of 10.80 of our citizen been unemployed. The unemployment rate of our society today is at 9.60 percent leaving it 1.20 percent shy of 1982. According to the US labor report of August 2010, â€Å"The unemployment rate in the United States was last reported at 9.60 percent in August 2010. From 1948 until 2010 the United States’ Unemployment rate averaged 5.70 percent reaching an historical high of 10.80 percent in November of 1982 and a record low of 2.50 percent in May 1953† (CIOL, 20010). Since the Obama administration, I have seen some changes in our Unemployment. Companies are hiring more than they did two years ago. Therefore opening up new jobs for our citizen such as welding, construction, and banking. In Conclusion, it is now time for us to focus on the big picture. It is not the time to turn a blind eye to the problems our country. If we as a society and a country continue to force, our government to think of the people and not of themselves there will be great changes. If ourShow MoreRelatedHow Does Immigration Affect The United States Economy Essay1711 Words   |  7 PagesDevelopment November 27, 2016 How does immigration affect the United States economy Abstract: Foreign-born workers have dramatically increased in the Unites States due to immigration. 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